Let SMUD know how you feel

From Theresa L. Simsiman of ROAR! (Restore Our American River):

At the last SMUD Board of Directors meeting General Manager, Jan Schori, gave a report on the water year coming to an end with 158% of normal. Even without her proud announcement we all know there’s plenty of water available – yet SMUD does it again – they TURN OFF THE TAP TO WATER THEY DON’T OWN!

As Bill Center pointed out – so much for their water predictions on the SMUD website – as early as Thursday they “predicted” water for this weekend prompting PG&E; to release early to make room for the expected water. FINE example of how SMUD will “coordinate” water flow with PG&E; for the next 50 years.

If you find yourself making a flurry of calls to notify your boating pals, are putting away the kayak/raft/inflatable for your mountain bike or worst yet find yourself participating in the NATIONAL WHITEWATER SYMPOSIUM in FISH FLOW – be sure to drop a line to the SMUD Board of Directors:

http://smud.org/board/ (See Contact the Board)