Water on Ice House Run of South Silver – Sat-Sun Oct 21-22

In part due to ongoing negotiations, the Ice House Run of South Silver will have runnable water on it both Sat and Sun Oct 21-22. It will run from 10 am to 1 pm both days. If you do go, please let me know so I can get back to SMUD with the results. Sorry for the late notice but we just got the water today. If you want a bit more information go to Boof.com, go to forums and click on any of the several links to info about the run.

Thanks to SMUD for providing this rec flow. We have a long way to go in negotiating set flows but this is a big step.


Due to ongoing outages on the UARP, SMUD will be using the valve below Ice House Reservoir for the next several days. Typically the rate of flow will be 250 CFS; however, on Saturday 10/21/06 and Sunday 10/22/06 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm the flow rate below Ice House Reservoir on the South Fork Silver Creek will be 500 CFS. Ramp up and down times will occur before and after the 10:00 to 1:00 time slot.

Note from webmaster: Silver Creek is a tributary of the South Fork of the American River. You can find Silver Creek and Ice House Reservoir on our watershed map. If you make the run and want to report back to Hilde, you can comment on this post or send us a message and we’ll forward it to Hilde.