South Fork Wild and Scenic – Act Today!

From Friends of the River:
We need your help to give the South Fork of the American River Wild & Scenic protection so that no new dams can ever harm it again.

But time is running out. If you haven’t written a letter urging Wild & Scenic protection, please do so today! The deadline is December 13.

The South Fork American River — California’s most popular whitewater river — has been recommended for Wild & Scenic protection by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and we need your help to make sure that really happens. Rafters, kayakers, and others who love the South Fork now have an opportunity to advocate for its protection against long-standing but currently shelved plans to build dams on the river. Federal protection would prohibit new dams, ensure that federal public lands along the river are managed to protect their outstanding values, and require upstream dam owners to operate those dams in a manner that protects river values.

Write a letter by December 13 to the BLM advocating for Wild & Scenic protection of the South Fork American River. For more information, click here.