Off Season Chili Bar Put-In Operation

paddlers plan their shuttlePosted for Mike Bean — As many of you have already discovered, this year the gate to the lower parking area at Chili Bar Put-In on the South Fork of the American River is being left open during daylight hours. The upper lot which is not part of the conservation easement owned and managed by the American River Conservancy (ARC) will most likely remain closed. It would be helpful for people parking in the lower lot to keep an eye out for dumping, campfires, vandalism, or other activities that would make it difficult to keep the gate open during the off season. Monies collected by private and commercial users of Chili Bar Put-In go to pay for seasonal staff and maintenance of the lower parking lot facilities. Any profit seen during a season goes into a disaster fund for major repairs. When funds in disaster fund reach $70,000, any profits are to be used for conservation activities performed by ARC. ARC has submitted a grant to acquire Richard De Chants’ interest in the Chili Bar property and transfer the underlying fee title portion of the property to El Dorado County.

I would like to thank those that support ARC through their use of Chili Bar Put-In as well as those that support ARC through donations and volunteer time. The American River Conservancy is working hard to increase riverside habitat and water quality which I think directly benefits the experience of boaters on the South Fork of the American River.

Thanks again,
Mike Bean
Board Member
American River Conservancy

photo credit: Donna McMaster