SMUD board approves South Fork relicensing agreement

Posted for Teresa Simsiman – After another 2 months of intense negotiation meetings and conference calls – I am pleased to announce that the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) Board of Directors as of 1/25/07 has approved the the Relicensing Settlement Agreement for the Upper American River Project and Chili Bar Hydroelectric Project (South Fork of the American River).

To view the video or meeting agenda, go to the SMUD meeting archives and select the SMUD BOD Special Meeting of Jan 25, 2007.

An official signing ceremony will be held at the SMUD headquarters Monday, January 29, at 1 p.m. (I’m practicing my penmanship!) SMUD, PG&E;, the Agencies, NGO’s and individual signatories will sign the historic agreement for the UARP and Chili Bar Hydroelectric Project. In other words – IT WILL BE OFFICIAL!!!!!!

The river community will really reap the benefits of this agreement and once the agreement is posted to FERC I will share the details! In the meantime please consider joining us – WE NEED TO OFFICIALLY ACKNOWLEDGE SMUD (they really like this sort of thing!!!). Thursday February 1, 6pm SMUD Auditorium, in the District’s Headquarters Building at 6201 S St., Sacramento. If you can’t make it please take the time to drop them a note – Go to the SMUD Board website and click on the ward links to contact Board members.

Theresa L. Simsiman