The South Fork agreement is signed and sealed

Representatives of Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), PG&E;, Friends of the River (FOR), the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance, the American River
Recreation Association and other stakeholders signed an agreement for the relicensing of SMUD’s Upper American River Project (UARP).

According to FOR, this agreement “greatly improves the existing conditions of the South Fork American River and its tributaries” by:

  • Greatly increasing minimum flows on all river segments. These flows mimic natural variation, restore ecological functions, and enhance conditions for fish and wildlife.
  • Enhancing recreation opportunities by creating new kayaking and rafting opportunities on the South Fork Silver Creek below Ice House reservoir as well as the South Fork American River below Slab Creek Dam.
  • Creating pulse flows on the Rubicon River, South Fork Silver Creek, and Gerle Creek. These flows simulate natural springtime runoff events and maintain the river ecology by flushing sediment and debris, improving water temperature and quality, and creating habitat.
  • Providing financial assistance to the U.S. Forest Service and BLM for the maintenance and operation of recreational facilities located on or near project reservoirs and affected river segments.
  • Creating a quantitative and reliable flow schedule for California’s most popular whitewater river—the South Fork American below Chili Bar reservoir.

Visit FOR’s website for more details, a photograph of the signing, and downloads of the agreement and other related reports.

One thought on “The South Fork agreement is signed and sealed

  1. With the lack of rain in Jan. It would be nice to lessen the flow on sat & Sun so as to allow a little flow ( 400 cfs ) during the week for boaters who work weekends.

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