Please sign today for flows on Slab Creek!

We received a message from Hilde Schweitzer regarding a push to get scheduled, boatable flows on the Slab Creek run. This run is downstream of Slab Creek Reservoir on the upper South Fork of the American River drainage, above Chili Bar. Here is what she is asking. (See the thread at for more information.)

Many of you know about the comments we are submitting to FERC and it is not feasible for everyone to write their own comments and submit it in time. We have decided to submit a group letter so everyone who wants to can sign on.

There is more info at and if you want to add your name to the list, please do so by Thurs night (Nov 8) or Friday morning latest. Michael Picker has agreed to do all this. The boof thread tells how to sign up.

We are trying to get a broad nationwide interest shown so please pass this on to friends who are interested in paddling a newly watered section of the American River in the future on a regular basis.

Thanks and if you have any specific questions, get in touch. Hope you all are well and paddling somewhere!
