Family Floats

Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream.  Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily life is but a dream.  This is the song my 4 year old son sang as he rowed with his dad on a Fathers Day private trip from Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park North Beach Put-In to the beautiful Camp Lotus Take Out.  This 3 mile stretch of mild class II rapids (can you even call it a rapid, I’m not sure) was enough to let our kids get “splashed” and enjoy a day on the river.

California whitewater rafting on the American River

The South Fork American River is one of the most popular rafting destinations in the West and that includes kids.  Whether you are a private group or choose from one of many family friendly commercial floats in rafts and inflatable kayaks (IK’s) there is fun to be had by all ages.   As we floated along we ran into neighbors, friendly faces and lots of “out of towners”.


Did you know that you can purchase an annual pass at these favorite put-in’s and take-outs? State Park, Hennigson-Lotus Park (If you go more than twice in a year you pay for your pass) and Camp Lotus.  These parks can not only be used for put-ins and take-outs but for all types of activities. This is a small price to pay for big fun!  If you don’t know the in’s and out’s of a private trip, contact one of many family friendly commercial whitewater companies.  Look in the business directory listings for companies offering trips for all ages.  See you on the river!