Rock N Water

For over 25 years we have been refining our whitewater rafting programs and guides to make Rock-N-Water the best place to take your Family, School, or Church youth group whitewater river rafting. It is our goal that every adventure we offer is full of opportunities for excitement, spiritual growth, and group unity. Our staff is not just river rafting professionals, they are also dedicated Christian youth workers committed to serving your teens and families with adventures customized just for them.

Founded in 1989, Rock-N-Water is a group of Christians who want to impact young people with the joy of God’s Living Word. , so they might come to know Jesus and pass on God’s love with excitement. We focus our program on biblical principles, and we use the help of nature, friendship, and challenge to develop character.

Our one-day adventures are suited perfectly for those who live nearby, but still, want to get away and explore the natural beauty of the outdoors. Even those in San Francisco can easily make Coloma a one-day vacation destination. Just about every adventure we embark on here at camp can be scaled back to a one day or a half of a day excursion. In addition to Class III and Class IV rafting day trips, we also provide guided day trips of outdoor rock climbing, exploratory canyon hikes, and week-long backpacking trips.

Each of our youth camps and family camps includes a wide array of full-day high adventures. We want the experience of your week at camp to be a perfect match with your group’s goals and expectations. Better yet, we want to exceed those expectations in ways that you might never have imagined possible.  Each of our group trips is fully customizable. You pick how many days you stay. What specific high adventures, from the activities listed above, you do while you are here. And you set the spiritual direction and personal or interpersonal challenges you want your group to encounter throughout your trip.

Rock-N-Water Christian Camps
