Thank you so much to all the people who have contributed time, talent and effort to this website!

Photography Credits

The Coloma-Lotus area is blessed with beautiful vistas, exciting adventures, and several superb photographers who continually capture its beauty and action. We thank you for allowing us to use your photographs to dress up our website and show off the river and the valley. We’re in the process of implementing code to add photo credits on every page. Stay tuned!

Other Content Credits

Special thanks to Betty Sederquist. In addition to donating photographs for use on the website (see above), over the years Betty has contributed hundreds of hours writing articles for the Coloma-Lotus Guide and

Other content contributors include Christina Pugliese, Sara Schwartz Kendall, and Donna McMaster. Thank you all!

Website Development website founder, developer and webmaster is Donna McMaster. Jonathan Kurten designed the graphics for this incarnation of the site.

Thanks and acknowledgments to the WordPress community.