Try Here First

If you have questions about commercial whitewater rafting, please contact one of the outfitters listed in the Whitewater Rafting directory.

You’ll find official contacts for river management issues in the Organizations directory.

Contacts for river preservation issues are on the Conservation page.

Contact Form

If the above wasn’t what you needed, or if you want to share information about a river condition or upcoming event, you are welcome to contact the webmaster by filling in the following form. Unless you tell us otherwise, we assume that by filling out this form you are giving us permission to post relevant information on our News page. Your email address will be used only to respond to you if we have questions related to your message, or if you request a response.

  • To book reservations, please contact the businesses directly. Do not use this form to ask about prices or availability. Thank you!
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.